Dear Neo-Citron,
How can something so beautiful and tasty come in such a small packet? Your lemony goodness is masked only by the sensation that occurs when the heat of your magical liquid hits the back of my tired, dry throat. This feeling is something so amazing it's hard to describe in such few words and it needs a full blown Hemingway chapter to properly do it justice, but it's somewhere in between a deep breath in a hot sauna on a frigid day, and 100 beautiful naked ladies holding 100 ice cold beers, with a giant banner over top proclaiming that it is national steak and blowjob day(march 14th, Google it!).
O lovely Neo-Citron, your good at anytime. Sometimes I like your non drowsy genre, served ice cold in the morning when I feel congested. Sometimes I enjoy a warm cup of your throat soothing, semi-clear, golden grace in the afternoon if I'm going to try and play guitar and sing crappily, but every once in awhile, after a long weekend of partying or working at parties, I end up back at the beginning; a boiling kettle on the stove, and a single packet of cold-busting glory found in a sky blue box of freedom.
Neo-Citron, you alone are with me through the good times and the bad, the hangovers, the late nights at the office(or in most cases the banquet hall), and even the times where it is 4am on a school night and my body refuses to drift into sleep.
Neo-Citron, I love you.
(This entry was written under the influence of a cup and a half of drowsy neo-citron so I apologize for any drops in my already lackluster writing. Also, I feel I must say that contrary to my last blog post, I have definitely begun to begun to become sick.)
Anywho I leave you with a conversation from before I became a tired, hoarse throated, imitation of a human being. I had this with my good friend Mike after a semi-good day of snowboarding until dusk.
Nick: ...Than it was starting to get dark so we played a game of "as" and left.
Mike: What the fuck is "as"?
N: It's like "ass" only the sun was setting so we shortened it by a trick.
M: Dude thats ga'.
N: Ga'?
M: Yeah man, man its like gay only shorter
N: Oh I get it, so its like your penis. Like most guys', only you know, shorter.
M: Shaddup' you cun'.
How can something so beautiful and tasty come in such a small packet? Your lemony goodness is masked only by the sensation that occurs when the heat of your magical liquid hits the back of my tired, dry throat. This feeling is something so amazing it's hard to describe in such few words and it needs a full blown Hemingway chapter to properly do it justice, but it's somewhere in between a deep breath in a hot sauna on a frigid day, and 100 beautiful naked ladies holding 100 ice cold beers, with a giant banner over top proclaiming that it is national steak and blowjob day(march 14th, Google it!).
O lovely Neo-Citron, your good at anytime. Sometimes I like your non drowsy genre, served ice cold in the morning when I feel congested. Sometimes I enjoy a warm cup of your throat soothing, semi-clear, golden grace in the afternoon if I'm going to try and play guitar and sing crappily, but every once in awhile, after a long weekend of partying or working at parties, I end up back at the beginning; a boiling kettle on the stove, and a single packet of cold-busting glory found in a sky blue box of freedom.
Neo-Citron, you alone are with me through the good times and the bad, the hangovers, the late nights at the office(or in most cases the banquet hall), and even the times where it is 4am on a school night and my body refuses to drift into sleep.
Neo-Citron, I love you.
(This entry was written under the influence of a cup and a half of drowsy neo-citron so I apologize for any drops in my already lackluster writing. Also, I feel I must say that contrary to my last blog post, I have definitely begun to begun to become sick.)
Anywho I leave you with a conversation from before I became a tired, hoarse throated, imitation of a human being. I had this with my good friend Mike after a semi-good day of snowboarding until dusk.
Nick: ...Than it was starting to get dark so we played a game of "as" and left.
Mike: What the fuck is "as"?
N: It's like "ass" only the sun was setting so we shortened it by a trick.
M: Dude thats ga'.
N: Ga'?
M: Yeah man, man its like gay only shorter
N: Oh I get it, so its like your penis. Like most guys', only you know, shorter.
M: Shaddup' you cun'.