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Starting A Blog the Day Before Your 19th birthday Isn't Smart

First off, I apologize to my 0 readers for my lack of updating since my first post. See, Wednesday the 20th was my 19th birthday and in this lovely province of Ontario on your 19th birthday you drink enough to kill a small alligator. I continued this tradition by coating the inside of my body with enough alcohol to kill any disease that should try to harm my weak immune system. I'm telling you this now so if I take an abnormally long time off and blame it on illness I'm probably lying. Now on to my weekend.

Kicking it off, Friday was the culmination of a plan devised by me and my best buddy Andy to throw a ridiculously large party at a banquet hall. Long story short the party began at around 7:30 when we started putting up decorations. By around 7:45 our first guests showed up before we were set up, before our security was there, and before we were ready to take care of 6 drunk hockey dudes. After shooing them into the bathroom to finish copious amounts of alcohol that we "didn't" know they were bringing in, our security showed up. after quickly setting up people started to show, since we sold tickets beforehand we assumed only invited guests would be showing up. We assumed wrong. By around 8:30 after a few trips inside the bathroom and a few shots of liquid cocaine (goldschlager, jagermeister, 151) and a few chugs from the texas mickey of Bacardi the party was really starting to get bumpin' and the walls were beginning to spin. As I'm leaving the bathroom after one of said shots I hear a loud BANG!, "DDUUUUDEE." After inspecting the bathroom I quickly notice that there is a large, fist shaped hole decorating the bathroom wall, and a hockey dude holding his hand and wincing in pain. After putting two and two together I concluded that I was much to sober to be thinking about this situation so back to the texas mickey conveniently hiding in the coat check room.

Drunkenly fast forward to around 11, in the last 2 hours highlights include; WAY more people than invited showing up, my good buddy DJ ZiZiB (Cayle) spinnin' some killer tunes, police pulling in and out of the parking lot, a large number of good looking girls dancing, jirrating, grinding and such on the dance floor, me bathing in said cuties, me and Andy and security breaking up many fights, and some brown guy I don't know being passed out on a chair pretty much the whole time. It all ends when somehow 2 windows get broken and a friend of mine gets stabbed with some kind of glass in the side of the face. Soon after this a clan of cops, lets say around 12 of them, including the drug and alcohol chief show up getting everybody out of there. After speaking to the cops with Andy I hammered out of our minds, we admitted to throwing the party and got the hell out of there. Anyway Rob & Big is on so I leave you with a conversation I had with the DJ as he was cleaning up after the cops abrupt ably ended the party at 11ish.

DJ Cayle: Man that party was CRAZY, it sucks that it had to end but I was getting scared for my life.
Me: Explain.
DJC: Well right near the end there the stage was getting swamped with girls, and not the pretty ones we wanted but some big fat bitches.
Me: Haha, and you were scurred?
DJC: Man, This one fat one got up and fell and came like an inch from hitting the Dj table. She woulda' teeter-tottered the whole thing! Woulda' broke everything.
Me: Guess the nights not over till the fat lady flies.

(enter cops)

DJC: That, or when the cops show up.


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