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Showing posts from 2022

A Brief Study on the Practical Applications of the Tim Horton's "Tim Biebs" Merchandise Line: A Short Conversation on Race

Well folks it has been 4 years since the last time the world was graced with one of these posts so why the fuck not once again, take another shot at getting you to read something. As has been continually repeated it seems I am only doing this for my own amusement, so it feels about right to document the passage of time with some fragment of an update. Now that we are living in such a constantly rapid 24 hour news cycle where even our own personal social connections are sending live updates of pretending to be happy while they enjoy whatever current meaningless task takes up their days simultaneously feeling the need to tell everyone about it, because a blog post just seems even less relevant than it was in April of 2018 when I offered to give away a piece of clothing to the first person to comment on my last blog post. (Update: Congratulations to a fellow author of actual stories and not just ramblings, and long-time friend on finally winning a free hat 4.5 years later. Check her out, ...