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Showing posts from February, 2008

Starting A Blog the Day Before Your 19th birthday Isn't Smart

First off, I apologize to my 0 readers for my lack of updating since my first post. See, Wednesday the 20 th was my 19 th birthday and in this lovely province of Ontario on your 19 th birthday you drink enough to kill a small alligator . I continued this tradition by coating the inside of my body with enough alcohol to kill any disease that should try to harm my weak immune system. I'm telling you this now so if I take an abnormally long time off and blame it on illness I'm probably lying. Now on to my weekend. Kicking it off, Friday was the culmination of a plan devised by me and my best buddy Andy to throw a ridiculously large party at a banquet hall. Long story short the party began at around 7:30 when we started putting up decorations. By around 7:45 our first guests showed up before we were set up, before our security was there, and before we were ready to take care of 6 drunk hockey dudes. After shooing them into the bathroom to finish copious amounts of alcohol that...

Snippets take 1

I guess I should start this off by saying how I got the brilliant idea to start my own blog... Over the past few weeks I've noticed the hilarity of conversations that take place between me and my friends and after blatanly stealing the concept from Nathan Degraaf of Points In Case( ) i've decided share parts of these converations with you the public in hope that me and my friends coolness can force feed some much needed humour into your lowly hate filled lives :) Now much like Nathans blog, mine shall contain stories of beer drinking, ladies, sports, more drinking, opinions on things, opinions on things while drunk, music, everyday life and so on and so forth until I get bored and stop writing. Anywho saddle up and join me on this trip into the comedic goldmine that is my life . Me: Damn, look at that girl, although honestly, she'd look better without all the tatoos. Mike D: check out mine, just got it done(shows tat). Me: Bitchin dude, "the worlds...